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How to rent on RentEZ

Access items without owning them by renting them from people in your neighborhood in a few easy steps.


Find an item nearby

Search for the items you’re looking for and filter by location.


Book & Rent

Send a request to the lender for the dates you’d like the items. Your booking is only confirmed when the owner accepts your request.


Recieve The Item

lessor arrange convenient times to drop off the item and ask any questions you might have.


Enjoy & Return

Make the most of your time with the item and then return it safely to the owner at the end of the rental.

Rent Anything, Anywhere

Why buy when you can rent? With Rent Anything, you can enjoy top of the line products without breaking the bank.

Let's Rent Now

Make money in just 3 steps

Rent your asset and make a handsome account with us


Post Your Item

Search for the items you’re looking for and filter by location.


Get It Rented

Send a request to the lender for the dates you’d like the items. Your booking is only confirmed when the owner accepts your request.



lessor arrange convenient times to drop off the item and ask any questions you might have.


Earn Money

Make the most of your time with the item and then return it safely to the owner at the end of the rental.